Apply for Funding

Before you apply

Indie Fund is not a publisher.

Please make sure you know what Indie Fund is and how it works.
Once you have checked out the agreement you may proceed with the application.

The application process

Please fill in the form below to submit your application. Your application will go to an internal mailing list of Indie Fund investors.
If one of the investors is interested in funding your game, you will likely get an email from them with some more questions, and they will act as your main contact going forward.
If that goes well, they will present your game to the rest of the investors and try to raise the amount required.

We work like a syndicate, so if there are enough people interested in putting in enough money to cover your budget, then the funding is a go.

Please note that we can not guarantee that you’ll get a reply to your application.

We’re all pretty busy and none of us is doing this Indie Fund thing full time. If you haven’t heard back within a week, it’s likely there’s not enough interest to continue the conversation.
Don’t take that personally, as it could mean a hundred different things and it’s not a judgment about you or your game.

You will find guidelines on your application as you progress through the form below, but we still recommend to check out our earlier blog post describing some of the elements that make a great application great.

Let's get started!

Website *

About your game

Project Name*

Project Description*

One or two sentences about what makes your game special.
Don’t send us an entire essay; keep it efficient and we’ll be more likely to absorb the most important parts.


Please provide URLs to 1 - 4 screenshots that show off your game.
They don't need to be super duper resolution – just something that visually conveys what the game is about. Please stick to direct file links and JPG, PNG or GIF formats.


Include a link to a short (1–2 minutes) gameplay video that will give us a good idea of the game. It doesn’t need to be a fancy trailer – just show us the game.

Playable Prototype*

Include a download link to a playable prototype (for Windows and macOS if possible).
We will not fund games without a playable prototype.


If you have other means of obtaining a playable prototype (TestFlight, Download Codes, etc.) please let us know here. If you add download codes, 5 codes will suffice.

Target Platforms*

Mention for which platform(s) you are developing for.


Budget & Schedule

Funding Amount*

How much are you asking for (in USD)?
Most projects we fund are in the range of $10,000 to $50,000.
Less common are projects between $50,000 and $100,000.
Everything above is unlikely (but not impossible) and usually only happens with a secondary source of funding.

Budget Overview*

How are you going to spend it? Please include a link to a spreadsheet showing how you calculated the numbers helps us evaluate the accuracy of the budget.
Please make sure this includes a budget for PR and marketing.


What year do you estimate the game will ship in?

About you & your team

Your name*

Your role*

Your Email Address*

Team Name

Team Website

Team Description*

Who else is on your team? What are their roles and how much experience do you have working together? If you are a solo-developer, please tell us a little bit about your background.

Additional Notes

Do any of the files you supplied require a password? Is there a special hardware setup we need to be able to play your prototype? Please include any additional information here.


You have made it to the end of the application form!
Now please check if all the data you entered is correct, if all the links work and we have everything we need to evaluate your application.
If that is the case, you may go ahead and press the button below.