Indie Fund Now Backing The Splatters
The Splatters is a good example of one of the reasons we created Indie Fund. The team’s talent is evident. They created polished and vibrant artwork, charming characters, and have demonstrated exceptional technical skill with the game’s intuitive and realistic feeling simulation.
Despite this, the game’s launch did not generate enough revenue for the team to be self sustaining. It is our hope that by backing Spiky Snail in bringing the game to Windows, Mac, and Linux we will get them on a self-sustaining track.
In general, we shy away from funding ports and adaptations of games because if the initial release didn’t generate enough income to fund a port, then backing a port may not be a wise investment. In this case, however, there is a good reason to break our pattern.
SpikySnail aren’t just making a port. They’ve learned from their design and believe they can improve it. They want to release a better game on a different platform. This is interesting to us for two reasons:
- This is exactly the kind of development we want to encourage: promising teams with low overhead who are focused on design.
- If a release with an improved design leads to significantly higher revenue, this would provide support for something we already believe: that a focus on design isn’t just an aesthetic preference, but an important factor in creating a financially successful game. It would suggest that shipping a game early because it is over budget or over schedule may not be an effective way to protect one’s profit margin.
We applaud Niv and Sagi for their hard work and determination and wish them (and us) success in this endeavor :) For more information, check out the Spiky Snail blog.
Super Splatters